Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gabriele Galimberti's Toy Stories


Check out this artist's work for inspiration for our next project!

Toy Stories

Monday, March 25, 2013

Reading #6 Tactical Media

Here is the next reading. Have your questions posted to your blog and ready to discuss by April 8th!



Project #6 3D - The Original


Talisman/Fetish Object/Creative Assemblage Sculpture of Obsession and Relationship

Talisman - an object that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.

Fetish Object - an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.

Our next project will involve the creation of an assemblage sculpture in meat space. You will create a talisman that reflects you and your life. Your talisman can represent anything aspect of your life and can be made of any material you wish. The limit of possibilities is only the restrictions you put on yourself. Anything will work, but be prepared to discuss your choices in the critique.

Your Sculpture is Due for Critique on April 1

Carefully consider yourself and what is important to you as a human being. Things to think about; your family, past, friends, dreams for the future, fears, talents, interests, morals etc. It is important for the piece to reflect you and aspects of your life. The interpretation of this project is very open and subjective.

Please create your assemblage sculpture IN THE ROUND with an artistic sensitivity to size, shape, and materials. Remember (from ART 100), in assemblage sculpture you will take objects and materials from one context and assemble them together to create a new context.

Your final work can not exceed 5 inches in any direction. Be aware of how the work exists in space on the X, Y, and Z axis. During the critique present your works in a good old fashion sculpture critique.

Assemblage Artist Quick Review (these are a few of many)
Joseph Cornell
Man Ray
Meret Oppenheim
Joseph Beuys
Robert Rauchenberg
Tim Hawkins

Monday, March 11, 2013

Project #5: Crowdsourcing

Projects due and Critique: March 25

This project explores the creative possibilities of "crowdsourcing" - inviting you to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in three unique "crowdsourcing" art projects online and to conceive of a proposal for your own crowd sourcing project.

What is crowdsourcing? 

From Webopedia:
A slang term used to describe the practice of using both the skills and time of underpaid — or unpaid — amateurs to create content or solutions for established businesses. Basically, crowdsourcing means to "use talents of the crowd", and is a play on the word outsourcing. The origins of the word crowdsourcing are credited to Jeff Howe, a Wired Magazine writer who first brought crowdsourcing to people's attention and vocabulary with his 2006 story, "The Rise of Crowdsourcing".



Pages 111-124 Participative Systems from Rethinking Curating


Develop TWO questions for discussion - one for each reading!

Part 1: Choose THREE of the following and participate! Fully document your participation and provide appropriate links, images and writing on your blog posting for your final project effort:

1) Upload a video segment to the online video/film collaborative experiment, Man With A Movie Camera: The Global Remake http://dziga.perrybard.net/

2) Create a photo essay to submit to the Collected Visions project: http://cvisions.nyu.edu/mantle/info.html

3) Participate in The Johnny Cash Project http://www.thejohnnycashproject.com/

4) Create a proposal for the iraqimemorial.org project: http://www.iraqimemorial.org

5) Participate in the Young Me/Now Me project: http://www.zefrank.com/youngmenowme/ 

6) Revisit the past with Dear Photograph: http://dearphotograph.com/

Part 2: What if you were to make a crowdsourcing art project? What would it be? This is your challenge! Come up with an original crowdsourcing art project and create a design for an imagined home page. Think carefully about the idea of crowdsourcing art - please don't simply copy what has already been done (for instance, don't take a Lady Gaga song and do the Johnny Cash Project). Come up with something original. It can be funny, political, change the world? Be creative! Post your website homepage design and concept for this original crowdsourcing art project concept to your blog!

You are expected to expand upon what you have learned over the course of the semester in terms of your technical and conceptual growth. Do not choose simply what looks to be the “easiest” path to engaging these online crowdsourcing projects or in developing your own concept! Challenge yourself by conceiving an approach to these projects that will present you with new possibilities to advance your capabilities and thought processes as an artist! Projects are graded considering the complexity of concept, technical execution and the apparent level of difficulty in regard to what you choose to do! Good luck and have fun!

Projects due and Critique: March 25

Crowdsourcing Links:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Writing and Presentation Research Project

1) This is a two part final assignment.  You will be creating a 5 to 7 minute presentation for class and a 1500 word Illustrated Blog Post/Paper on the same subject matter.

2) Choose two artists (or artists groups/collaboratives) from the following websites featuring literally hundreds of artists for you to explore.  You are to choose artists we have not covered in class:
http://www.eyebeam.org/people/current (search through "fellows" and "residents" for hundreds of amazing artists, links to their websites will generally be on their profile pages)

2) Research your chosen artists. Make sure to record citations of where to find the works, links, etc.

3) Choose ONE representative work from each of your artists for a total of two works to be considered in your paper and presentation - you may choose to include more works by these artists in your visual presentation to the class.

4) Describe, analyze, interpret, compare and contrast the artist’s works, considering broadly their chosen formal and conceptual strategies, being careful to address genre (film, video, performance, interactive art, simulation, game art, etc) in your general analysis of the works. As part of your research, make an attempt to contact both of your artists to ask questions regarding the work. (If you don't hear back from them please note such in your paper and/or presentation). You need to reference the readings from the class when completing both parts of the research project. For the paper/blog post, make appropriate citations following standard academic paper guidelines (MLA or Chicago Manual Style)

Please limit your chosen artists/works to those created after 1980 - the only requirement is that the artists are somehow intrinsically involved in the creative use of digital technologies in their works.

The intent here is to give you the opportunity to critically engage in basic research and analysis of artists and artworks while at the same time encouraging a greater depth of experience of various artist’s creative production and contexts.

The paper is to be in the form of an extended blog post - include illustrations, videos where appropriate, etc.

Here are some online resources to help you in considering how to critique, compare and contrast your chosen artist's works:

Your presentation and writing will be graded according to the quality of your research, the originality of your analysis, the clarity of your writing, design and clarity of your presentation.

Due Dates:

In Class Presentations
Monday, April 15th

Monday, April 22nd
Aaron B.
Aaron W.

Paper as Illustrated Blog Post:
Posted by: 4/28 by Midnight