Monday, April 1, 2013

Project 7: 3D - "The Sequel"

Critique: May 6th

Our next project will involve the creation of a digital, 3D model of the sculpture you created. You will learn to use software to create a model that is accurate on all three axes (x, y, z). The project will help you learn the "mindset" needed to work with 3D imaging software to complete our next project (Second Life), as well as using 3D models for animation and printing in upper division Digital Media courses.

You will use Google SketchUp (or another 3D imaging software) to create your model. Using the program's tools, you will sculpt your model to accurately match your talisman sculpture. Please consider texture, color, shape, and implied mass when making your model. Use Photoshop to create custom textures to apply to your model's surface and be aware of the visual details that make up your final piece.

For the critique, please post 5-6 detail photographs of your final work to your blog, with corresponding photographs of your physical sculpture. You could also create a video of your work moving around using Snaps Pro X. Either way, you want to be able to show all the details and over-all composition of your piece.

Google SketchUp is a free program to download. As it is owned by Google, the Google rule will be invaluable to your success in this work. At this part of the semester I assume you have established your own working style and have an understanding of the process of digital media. I've given you an extended working time for this project and expect to be impressed with your final pieces.

Google Sketch-Up Tutorials

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