Tales from the Heart (An animated exquisite corpse, perfect for Valentines Day.) from Droolart on Vimeo.
At this point, you each have an individual 10-20 second animation of your photoshop image. Now, you will work together to link all your animations into one big looping animation sequence! First step is to look at the student blog list after we look at all the animations in class today. Second, meet with the person in front of and after you to create an animated transition that will blend well between your separate animated sequences! Please remember, the expectation is 6 hours minimum per week on outside assignments, you should be spending 3 hours with the person before you and 3 hours with the person after you! Make these interesting and feel free to continue honing your individual animations if you feel it might use some further refining (particularly after seeing the work of your classmates - if you feel as though your work doesn't stand up - make it better!).
1) Consult the Student Blog List.
2) Meet up with the persons in front of you and after you on your list.
3) Brainstorm/collaborate on how best to animate the transition between your works to create a smooth and aesthetically pleasing flow between your animation and your partners.
4) We will be making this piece to exist as a stand alone "single channel" video installation thus you do not need a title or credit sequence - the first and last person's on the list need to mix their start and finish respectively with each other so as to give the impression of a never ending, smoothly transitioning looping video that will go on forever!
5) Sound!
Animation Soundtracks:
Working with Audacity, Soundtrack Pro, Adobe SoundBooth or another audio editing/mixing program of your choice create a unique soundtrack to compliment your individual animation segment.
The audio piece you will create for this will start with four tracks:
* I have selected a "drone" sound that you will all use in your animations. This audio piece will be stored on the first computer's desktop for your downloading convenience. Please do not alter this object as it will be a unifying factor in our final animation. You need to include this in your animation file as we will not be adding it on later
* One sound recorded using a microphone.
* The other two sounds are to be found/downloaded or otherwise appropriated from the internet.
Creatively mix your segment to effectively work with your animated piece - use filtering, repetition, Left/Right stereo mixing to assemble the best possible audio mix that works flawlessly to complete your animated sequence! Remember to create audio for your first transition and your original animation.
Two links to find inspiration from:
Cory Arcangel
Marina Zurkow
* Put your animations and audio together in Final Cut Pro. Remember to export your files using the Animation codec, 30fps, in a .mov file.
6) Animations are due Wednesday, February 20th!!! Save your file and number these "01 LASTNAME". Please upload your file to the folder located on the first computer titled "art_245_ani_whittenberger". This is essential so that we may edit these together! (Since this is a group collaboration, please be patient and flexible so we can successfully complete this project)
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